
Calidristenuirostris—GreatKnot·TheGreatKnotisthelargestofthecalidridbirdsandgrowsto26–28cmlong,withawingspanofapproximately58cm.,Thegreatknotisasmallwader.Itisthelargestofthecalidridspecies.ThegenusnameisfromAncientGreekkalidrisorskalidris,atermusedby ...,Medium-sized,stockyshorebirdfoundalmostexclusivelyoncoastalmudflatsduringmigration,seldominland.Distinctiveadultinbreedingplumagehasa ...,Me...

Calidris tenuirostris — Great Knot

Calidris tenuirostris — Great Knot · The Great Knot is the largest of the calidrid birds and grows to 26–28 cm long, with a wingspan of approximately 58 cm.

Calidris tenuirostris (Great Knot)

The great knot is a small wader. It is the largest of the calidrid species. The genus name is from Ancient Greek kalidris or skalidris, a term used by ...

Great Knot

Medium-sized, stocky shorebird found almost exclusively on coastal mudflats during migration, seldom inland. Distinctive adult in breeding plumage has a ...

Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris

Medium-sized, stocky shorebird found almost exclusively on coastal mudflats during migration, seldom inland. Distinctive adult in breeding plumage has a ...

Great knot

The great knot (Calidris tenuirostris) is a small wader. It is the largest species of the genus Calidris. They are a migratory bird which breeds in Siberia, ...

大濱鷸Great Knot | 學名

學名: Calidris tenuirostris 英名: Great Knot Family : Scolopacidae (鷸科). Length: 29 cm. 為不普遍冬侯鳥,體長約29cm。嘴喙為黑色,腳呈暗綠色。